Headline of the Day

Little Lindsey Graham has another problem on his hands. On October 3, 2018, Graham, in an appearance on C-Span, promised that “If an opening comes in the last year of President Trump’s term…we’ll wait to the next election” to hold hearings and confirm the nominee. Not until the next inauguration – the next election, which is November 3.

Graham, being the little compromised cock-of-the-walk that he is, then boldly told the C-Span host to “hold the tape,” which C-Span of course did. This tape is already being used by Democrats and their media toadies like Jonathan Karl as a hammer against Graham as the battle over the new opening on the U.S. Supreme Court heats up to what will certainly become civil war-threatening levels.

As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Graham will get to preside over the coming hearing related to the nominee President Donald Trump (I still never tire of typing those three glorious words) sends over to congress. Mitch McConnell – Graham’s boss in the Senate, and the guy who stupidly gave Graham this committee chairmanship – has already promised that the nominee will be considered and confirmed by the Senate:

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Saturday News Roundup: Adios Tik-Tok, Bye-Bye Bolton Book Advance, and America’s Garbage News Media VDO.AI “In the last midterm election before Justice Scalia’s death in 2016, Americans elected a Republican Senate majority because we pledged to check and balance the last days of a lame-duck president’s second term. We kept our promise,” McConnell continued. “Since the 1880s, no Senate has confirmed an opposite-party president’s Supreme Court nominee in a presidential election year.”

McConnell added that “by contrast, Americans reelected our majority in 2016 and expanded it in 2018 because we pledged to work with President Trump and support his agenda, particularly his outstanding appointments to the federal judiciary.”

“Once again, we will keep our promise,” he said. “President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.”


Note that, for McConnell’s rationale to be 100% certain to come about, the hearings and confirmation must take place before November 3. Because, should the President lose to Joe Biden, he would then become a “lame-duck” President, thus turning McConnell’s reasoning on its head.

That reasoning not only conflicts with Graham’s C-Span comment, it also conflicts with the statement issued in an interview earlier this week – before Ginsburg passed – by RINO Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, who said “I would not vote to confirm a Supreme Court nominee” before the November election had come and gone. “Fair is fair,” she added without any supporting evidence that her reasoning is in any way “fair” to the country.

Murkowski did not repeat that commitment in a statement she issued last night:


So, obviously she is waiting to have a conversation with McConnell before going off half-cocked again.

The other most highly-suspect GOP RINO senator in this instance, Susan Collins, took the same approach as Murkowski, lauding Ginsburg in a statement but making no commitment one way or another on holding hearings and a vote before Election Day. Collins, it should be noted, is involved a close re-election campaign (Murkowski is not) and another strong performance in confirmation hearings – like she had with the Brett Kavanaugh nomination – would help her maximize GOP voter turnout.

The nominee will almost certainly be a woman, and Amy Coney Barrett seems to be the odds-on favorite. Others on the list include Joan Larsen of Michigan, who Grant, a 42 year-old rising star on the 11th Circuit who clerked for Justice Kavanaugh, and Allison Eid, who succeeded Justice Neil Gorsuch on the 10th Circuit Court. All are relatively young (Barrett and Larsen are 51, Eid is 55) and all have sterling records and backgrounds.

All, of course, would be mercilessly slandered and smeared by the Democrat/Media Axis of Propaganda.

For the country, Ginsburg’s death is just one more instance in which the year 2020 moves us inexorably closer to a real civil war, which the Democrats and their domestic terrorist tools in BLM and Antifa have been fomenting all summer. You should expect the rioting that magically came to a halt last Saturday after the Democrats saw their awful new polling data to start up again with renewed intensity as soon as President Trump announces his nominee.

My bet is that the Democrats will make sure that the renewed riots become so violent and destructive that the President will have no choice but to invoke the Insurrection Act prior to Election Day, which has been the Democrat plan all along.

As for Ginsburg, the nicest thing that can be said is that she was extremely tough: A 3-time cancer survivor who clung to her seat of political power for every last day she could wring out of it.

And make no mistake about it: She saw the Court and her seat on it as a political tool, nothing more. Ginsburg spent 27 long years politicizing every decision made by the Supreme Court, where she was a malevolent presence who utterly discarded the notion that the Court’s purpose was to interpret the Constitution, not to try to implement the personal feelings of the Justices themselves.

Ginsburg even managed to politicize her own death, telling an interviewer recently that “My Most Fervent Wish Is That I Not Be Replaced Until a New President Is Installed.”

Smarmy Democrats and corrupt reporters will play that up for all it’s worth. But this is hard ball politics and in that world you can, as my Daddy used to tell me, “wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which one fills up faster.”

President Trump should and will quickly nominate a replacement for Ginsburg, and the Senate should confirm that nominee. Period.
